21th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compoundsprovisionally April 2026
Friedrichroda - GermanyThe Reinhardsbrunn-Symposium
For over 55 years the name "Reinhardsbrunn" has become famous in scientific circles for the Symposium series which draws together fungicide scientists from academia, research institutes and industry to present, listen to and discuss the latest research findings from around the world in this fast moving field.
Such research is a vital component in the quest to provide adequate control of the fungi that threaten the world's food supply and commodity products. Only by discovering new active molecules by synthetic chemistry or from natural sources and by understanding how they work and how best to use them in geographically different locations, can we hope to maintain and improve the quality of life for the world's growing population.
The 2026 Symposium will build upon the Reinhardsbrunn reputation by providing an opportunity for established experts and those just starting on their scientific career to present information to an international audience through oral presentations and posters. In addition, outstanding experts as key note speakers will introduce into the symposium and the single topical sessions. There will be ample time to discuss the findings and their implications both during and after the presentations. The Symposium thus also provides a unique opportunity to establish new contacts and friendships within fungicide science.
It is the intention of the Symposium Committee to arrange a well balanced program with participants and perspectives from around the globe, and sufficient time for discussion.
We look forward to welcome you as an active participant at the next symposium.
The official language of the symposium is English.
Symposium Topics
In addition to invited lectures the symposium will be based on oral papers and posters accepted by the Symposium's Committee from submitted proposals. Presentations will be accepted from areas of fungicide science that fit into the following thematic areas:
- Fungicide resistance: monitoring: regional and global aspects, mechanisms and diagnosis, molecular mechanisms, risk assessment, risk management, digital pathogen and resistance sensing, resistance modelling
- New fungicides, technologies, and applications
- Bio-rational fungicides / biocontrol
- Molecular Crop Protection
- Regulatory aspects
- Other fungicide-related topics